Urban Life: Cities in Art
On view July - August, 2022
Cities and urban spaces have provided fertile ground for artistic inspiration, becoming a jumping off point for countless artists. One has only to look at the New York nocturnes of Georgia O’Keeffe or Charles Marville’s haunting photographs of Paris prior to Haussmann’s “renovations”, to see how cities can embed themselves into the imagination. The allure of the metropolitan continues into the current day, with artists continually making work that reflects city living.
In this juried virtual exhibition, a selection of artworks inspired by urbanity has been assembled. From photographs and paintings to digital, mixed media, and even sculptural works, this varied showcase leverages the excitement of urban life. Together, these artworks represent an array of contemporary interpretations of the city in art.
This exhibition is best viewed on a laptop, desktop, or tablet. Descriptions were provided by the artists. All sales are to be handled by the respective artists with no commission being charged. Sizes listed are presented in height-by-width format. Click on each image for a larger view, and follow the links below each artwork to visit artists’ websites and Instagrams. For questions about this show, to learn more about any of the works included, or to join my mailing list to learn about future open calls for art, please email michael@michaelrosefineart.com.
Thank you for viewing this exhibition!
-Michael Rose, Juror
Marilyn Kirsch, The City at Noon, digital photo-collage, 13.11” x 19.34”, $1,200
R. Galvan, First Night in Long Island City, photograph,
18" x 12" image, 20"x16" paper, $75
Jim Potterton, Gotham Elevated, acrylic on paper, 40” x 32”, $975
Peter Hussey, Take Me There, watercolor, 20” x 24”, $1,000
David Abecassis, 15 CPW, oil on linen over panel, 9” x 12”, $420
Maria Miro Johnson, Midtown, acrylic on board, 12” x 16”, $250
Joe Welch, Woven, Thixotropic clay, Engobe, glaze,
56x26x5”, $5,000
Jared Winslow, Winter in the City, photography, 14” x 11” print, 20” x 16” frame, $200
Joanne DeLomba, Life Moves Pretty Fast, digital montage, 20” x 16”, $350
Abba Cudney, Summer Night Stroll, oil, 16” x 24”, $650
Caterina Maina, Havana in Love, archival fiber print, 8” x 10” unframed, $75 unframed
Cathy Chin, College Hill, acrylic, 12” x 9”, $300
Elliot Appel, Henry Street Tenements, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 18”, $1100
Julie O’Sullivan, Inferno, acrylic, beads, embroidery thread, metal leaf on canvas, 36” x 48”, $2,500
A. Taylor, Urban City Scratch #7, mixed media on paper, 10.5” x 29”, $800
Allan Gorman, Culver Line Rust, oil on panel, 31” x 31”, $7,400
Eddie Hall, Blue Moon, acrylic on recycled window, 27” x 23” x 2”, $800
Keith Rossein, Sunset Over Chicago, photography, 16” x 24”, $61 (for print only, pricing varies based on size)
Thank you for viewing Urban Life: Cities in Art
This exhibition will be featured through August, 2022, and then will be archived and will remain accessible indefinitely.